Frequently Asked Questions

Before Registration

How do I submit the Dual Enrollment application?

The New Student Dual Enrollment application consists of four parts. Please see the section Apply for Dual Enrollment above for details on the application paperwork. The Online Registration Form will require you to create an account and submit information online. Once this is completed, you can submit the remaining application paperwork via email as PDF attachments to If you are a Returning Dual Enrollment Student, you will need to submit a new Permission Form and updated proof of GPA.

All application paperwork for new and returning students must be received by the deadline date each semester in order to participate in Dual Enrollment. Late or incomplete applications cannot be processed.

Do I have to check my FAU email address?
YES! Once you are admitted into the program, all communication from FAU will be sent to your FAU email address ONLY. You can set your FAU email to be forwarded to another email account if you wish, but you should always communicate with FAU faculty and staff from your official FAU email account. Important reminders and deadlines will be sent to this account, so it is important that you check it regularly. Ultimately, you are responsible for any information sent to your FAU email account.
I want to take a math class at FAU. Do I need to take the ALEKS placement test?
If you do not already have college-level mathematics coursework on your FAU record, then you must take the ALEKS before you can register for a math class. You should not take the ALEKS until after you have submitted a complete Dual Enrollment application and received confirmation that you have been admitted into the program. The ALEKS must be taken within one year of the start of the semester in which you plan to take a math class. It is recommended that you take the ALEKS at least three days before registration opens for the semester. For detailed information on the test, please see the  ALEKS webpage.
How can I see if there are any holds on my account?
  1. Log in to your  MyFAU Account
  2. Select  FAU Self Service
  3. Select  Student Service
  4. Select  Student Records
  5. Select  View Holds

The system will display any holds on your account and indicate which office to contact in order to resolve the hold or to receive more information on it.
I believe that I have already met a course prerequisite due to exam credit or another college course (not taken at FAU). How can I request a course override?
Course overrides must be provided by the department over the course you want to register for. We recommend requesting a course override from the department at least two weeks prior to registration.


During Registration

Where can I see what courses are available?
You can access the  Searchable Schedule  to search for classes offered each semester. If a class is not listed on the schedule then it is not being offered for the term
How do I register for courses?
You will be able to register yourself online through your MyFAU account once the registration period opens. You will receive an email with information on how to log in and register for classes once your completed Dual Enrollment application has been processed. Detailed registration steps and video walkthroughs are also located on our  Registration Info  page. Always pay attention to the last day of drop/add for the term and make sure any changes to your schedule are completed by that date to avoid late fees and unintended course grades.
Can I register for a class that is not on my Permission Form?
Yes, but you will need to submit a new Permission Form with the class listed on it. You will have until the last day of drop/add for the term to adjust your registration and submit a finalized Permission Form. Any new Permission Forms must be filled out completely and have all required signatures. If you are registered for any courses that are not on a signed Permission Form, then you will be dropped from the class(es) after drop/add ends.
The class I want to register for is full. What can I do?

Keep trying! Many students make schedule adjustments throughout the drop/add period (first week of classes) so there is always a chance that space may open up. If a class has a waitlist option, you should add yourself to it. If space opens in the class, you will be notified through your FAU email account.

You may also want to speak with your guidance counselor about adding some back-up course options. If you’re adding more course options, you can submit additional signed Permission Forms via email to  until the last day of drop/add.

How does the Waitlist work and how can I add myself to it?
Some classes have a Waitlist option. If this is available, you can add yourself to it and thereby “save” your place in line in case a seat opens up. If a spot opens, you will receive an email to your FAU email account and you will have a limited amount of time to login and register yourself for the class. For detailed steps, please see the  Registration Info  page.
I’m getting an error message when I try to register for a course. How do I fix it?
There are multiple messages that you may receive when attempting to register. Please review the list of common messages from the  Issues and Solutions  page and follow the directions on resolving the error.


After Registration

How can I view/print my course schedule?
  1. Log in to your  MyFAU Account
  2. Click  FAU Self Service
  3. Click  Student Services
  4. Click  Registration
  5. Click  Registration(Add or Drop Classes)
  6. Click on the box that says  "Click Here for Registration"
  7. Select  View Registration Information
  8. View the term in question and click on the print icon
How do I pay my fees?
  1. Log in to yourMyFAU Account
  2. Select  FAU Self Service
  3. Select  Student Services
  4. Select  Student Account
  5. Click on  Account Summary by Term (Pay Your Bill or Review Your Statement)

Tuition, registration, and lab fees are waived, but you are still responsible for the one-time Owl Card fee and the recurring Transportation Access Fee. Additionally, you will be responsible for any other fees that you may incur, such as library fines, parking tickets, Owl Card replacements, late registration or payment fees, etc. Please be aware of the  last day to pay fees  for the term; you should have paid your fees by that date to avoid late payment charges.


Other FAU Dual Enrollement Opportunities

Where can I find information about the Pine Jog Climate READY Program?
Where can I find information about the about the Barb Schmidt Fellowship?